Our president Marta Diffen provided an update on various aspects of Rotary International and our Rotary Club.
While at a conference years ago, she learned something that stuck with her: to motive people, concentrate on strengths, not weaknesses. We all have strengths, so use them through our Rotary club to help locally and globally.
Out club is incredibly active, but on average we lose about twenty members per year, so adding new members is an ongoing goal.
Here are a few of the many opportunities to provide community service through Rotary, so find something that interests you and volunteer.
1. Blue Santa- gifts for those in need at Christmas time.
2. Bell Ringing at Gibson's for the Salvation Army.
3. Tree Watering at the Rotary Grove.
4. Scholarships for Youth.
5. Josh the Otter Water Safety Program.
6. Support Peace Making.
7. First Responders support.
8. Youth Citizenship Awards.
9. Veterans Pantry and Annual Breakfast.
10. Rotary Foundation support.
11. Highway trash clean up.
12. UGRA River Clean up
13. Rise Against Hunger.
14. Labor Day Walk-a Fun
15. Polio eradication.
Rotary Direct is an easy way to donate any amount, small or large, on a recurring basis to help fund the many programs that Rotary International provides.
Click here for more information: Rotary Direct