Proposed Changes to the Club’s Governance Documents
Three events are behind the changes to our governance documents. First, is the dissolution of the satellite club. Second, is the creation of the Impact Club. Third was the club’s approval of a corporate membership. Here is a summary of how these events impact our club constitution and bylaws.
Club Bylaws. The definition of a satellite club was replaced with the definition of an Impact Club. The role and duties of the president of the Impact Club were added. Article 14 was rewritten to define a corporate membership and how it works.
Club Constitution. The definition of a satellite club was replaced with the definition of an Impact Club. The name of the Impact Club was added. Throughout the constitution the roles and responsibilities of Impact Club members were added. The oversight of the Impact Club by our club’s board of directors was spelled out.
Complete versions of the proposed constitution and bylaws can be found on the club’s website, just look under Downloads on the home page.