Jeremiah Romack gave an overview of all the programs and services the Croc Center provides for the community, and the Salvation Army brass band played a number of Christmas songs for our enjoyment.

One of the programs offered by the Croc Center is the Boys and Girls Clubs, which provide after school programs for kids to help them reach their full potential. About ninety kids are currently enrolled, and studies have shown that these programs have a big impact on kids, improving their grades and graduation rates dramatically.
Other programs include care at the Shelter for men, women and children; clothing and furniture vouchers; emergency grocery orders, Thanksgiving meals, and nightly meals at the Shelter; and the Angel Tree Program, which provides gifts for children at Christmas time.
The Salvation Army bell ringing campaign is all volunteer this year, and so far they are ahead of last year's pace for funds raised. Jeremiah recognized Dave Samuel for his tireless effort in helping Rotarians sign up to ring the bell at Gibson's for this worthy cause.