District Governor Kristin Salazar, provided the program last Wednesday. 
Kristen Salazar is a supportive parent, small business owner, and one of Rotary International’s youngest district governors. 
“My kids motivate me because I know they see everything that I do, and so I want to set a good example for them and show them how to be successful and professional while having fun giving back to the community, and that’s where Rotary comes into my life,” says Salazar.

Rotary is the largest international service organization, with 1.4 million members worldwide and over 500 districts. Salazar leads the largest district in Texas, which covers 57 Rotary clubs and has about 2,500 members. San Antonio is the largest in the district.



Clint Morse led us in the prayer and pledge.
George Eychner led us in singing a song to honor our special guest.
The UGRA River Clean Up was September 7.
Thank you to all the volunteers that organized the event and those that participated.
New Members Meeting will be held September 12, 2024 at Happy State Bank starting at 5:30. Please RSVP
Fight Against Hunger event is coming September 21, 2024, at Schreiner University. The goal is to package 15,000 meals.  All supplies will be provided and volunteers are needed for short shifts to package meals, which will be sent to areas of the world that are in short supply of food.
The annual Kerrville Triathlon is scheduled for September 28-29 here in Kerrville. Our club helps out with this each year. We are volunteering for the Triathlon on Sat the 28th from 12-3:30. Any time you can provide is great. Marta or I will send out a reminder soon
The Pints, Pumpkins and Polio event to raise funds for Polio Eradication is Thursday, October 24th. The goal is to raise $10,000.00 for polio eradication efforts worldwide. The event will be at the Dietert Center Kerrville. Food and beverages will be provided, as well as deserts and a pie auction. 
The New Members Party will be September 12, from 5:30-8 pm, at Happy State Bank. Please RSVP! Existing members are encouraged to come and get to know the new members.
The Christmas party will be December 11th, and will replace the Wednesday meeting.
Families in Rotary
Please keep the following people in your prayers:
Stockton Williams is recovering from knee surgery.
Bekki Hutto will be having back surgery in the near future.
Wine is Fine
Dr. Brent Ringo was wearing his Rotary pin when his name was called, so he won a bottle of wine. Presented by Bill and Woody, wine team members.