Jane Ragsdale showed a film to start with. She has been going to this one village for over 12 years.
The village folks were happy to see the Missionary visitors.
Long road getting there
This village has no running water no electricity. 
Kristy can be seen in the middle
Through grants they supplied large cases of medical supplies to surrounding villages.
They are also teaching the basics to the prekindergarten kids.  While the kids are in school the moms are taught how to sew. They are using a foot powered sewing machine. Cloth and thread an such were provided for the moms. Missionary folks also provided school supplies to 162 kids. Also a nursing scholarship was provided to a young lady to attend in Guatemala City. Kristy also provided tooth brushes and tooth paste, these items went quickly.
 Getting any kind of supplies in country is very difficult. Not everything they have tried works. The non smoking cook stove is an example. They did not know they had to dump ashes. They have arranged to have some people shipped to a hospital ship off shore for operations. Marta advised us that the Rotarians in the room helped make this happen.