Executives for Kerrville 2024-25
President Kristi Shepherd
President Elect Trey Atkission
President Nominee T. Layng Guerriero
Treasurer Gena Daniels
 Immediate Past President Jeff Wendling 
Club Administration Marta Diffen
Youth Services Belschner, Jessica
Service Projects Mary Campana
Membership Brenda Thompson 
 Public Image Donna Peterson
 The Rotary Foundation Greg Faldyn
Executive Secretary / Director Kristy Vandenberg
Kristy starts the process by installing Kristi Shephard as President 
After everyone was installed they all lined up. Then Kristi ask them each to take 1,2 or 3 sheets of paper. 
Then each person had to tell the club something about themselves that club did not know.
Kristi went first. We all learned some things about all that most of the club did not know. 
To go along with The moto of Rotary Kristi says we all must be F.I.T. and this stands for Fun, Impact Others and Together
Instead of passing the gavel, since moto is The Magic of Rotary, Kristi was passed the Wand!!
Thank you to all who are serving on the executive boards and as directors this year.