Pete Calderon and Brenda Hughes presented an overview of the upcoming Kerr County Bond Election.

A citizens committee was created three years ago to evaluate county facilities and develop solutions. The needs identified were to enhance facility safety, address building code, ADA and infrastructure issues, improve public access and maximize value for Kerr County residents.
The Bonds are broken into three parts.
Proposition A: Courthouse and Facilities: $13,685,000.
Proposition B: Hill Country Youth Exhibit Center indoor arena: $8,065,000.
Proposition C: Animal Control Facility: $5,750,000.
Summary of Proposition A: The Courthouse was built in 1926 when security and handicapped accessibility were not considered. The jury room is state mandated to be larger than it currently is, and the county IT room is undersized. In addition to resolving security issues at the courthouse, a new county facility is proposed to be built on county owned land near Ingram Tom Moore High School. It will house a tax office, JP office, courtroom, constable office and sheriff's substation. A county storage facility will also be built on county owned land off of Spur 100.
Summary of Proposition B: The HCYEC indoor arena has not been upgraded in forty years. There are numerous building code issues and the facility has no restrooms. Proposed upgrades include a new concrete floor replacing the dirt floor, ADA compliant restrooms, resolving drainage issues, improvements for code compliance, additing classroom space and a teaching kitchen and providing roof repairs. In addition to making the building safer and improving the facility, the upgrades will attract more local and outside groups which currently will not consider renting the facility because of the poor conditions.
Summary of Proposition C: The current animal control facility is a residential structure that is undersized for the current needs, does not meet state and federal requirements, and is deteriorating. The proposed solution is a new building to be built on county owned land on Spur 100. The facility would include meet current requirements, provide for future growth, meet state and federal requirements, provide better access for the public, enhance the ability to spay and neuter animals and provide rabies vaccinations, and expand the kennels.
The bonds will be voted on separately, and the day to vote is November 8 in the general election.