Mike Burkett and Georgieanna Itz told our club about KerrKonnect, which is a local  program that provides low cost rides to those in need. The service is used mainly by seniors that don't have transportation, but all ages are served.  
Rides are available monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm, and are only $2.00 for a one way trip and $4.00 round trip. Most rides are for doctors appointments, Shopping and restaurants, or trips to social, family and religious activities.
Rides can be provided within a 10 mile radius of the Kerr County Courthouse, reaching Ingram, Centerpoint, Tierra Linda and Quiet Valley Ranch. The demand currently outpaces the available drivers, so more volunteer drivers are needed to help reduce the waiting list of folks needing rides.
For More information, contact them at kerrkonnect.org or 803-315-5377.