The Rotary Main Event fund raiser will be February 3, and will be a Hill Country Chic theme. If you have old cowboy boots that you can donate, please do so, as they will be used for centerpieces at the tables. Also, if you have Excel or other spreadsheet skills, Kristi Shepherd could use your help on keeping track of several items for the Main Event.
The Veterans Breakfast is coming up on November 10.
Brenda Thompson could use a few more volunteers for the Sargent at Arms committee, which prepares the room for our lunch meeting, and checks members and guests in each week.
The Christmas party is December 13 at the Dietert Center. Look for the email from our club for information to RSVP. The Unknowns will playing live music, with a great dinner and fellowship.
TBAJan 31, 2024  
Carl Davis, Director of Schreiner AviationJan 24, 2024The New Schreiner Aviation Degree 
TBAJan 17, 2024  
TBAJan 10, 2024  
TBAJan 03, 2024  
Fellowship CommitteeDec 13, 2023Christmas Party 
Jeremiah RomackDec 06, 2023Salvation Army Band Christmas Program 
Reverend Jasiel Hernandez GarciaNov 29, 2023A Christmas Message 
Joint Meeting with KiwanisNov 22, 2023Thanksgiving luncheon 
Austin DicksonNov 15, 2023Your Community Foundation