Here are some upcoming events and news:
Our club will be celebrating its centennial anniversary next year, and initial plans are under way for honoring this milestone.
Board member nominees are being accepted for the next Rotary year. If you or someone your know may be interested in serving, please contact one of the executive board members.
The Veterans Breakfast is November 8th, honoring local veterans. An email has been sent so you can RSVP for this breakfast.
The next Highway Cleanup is November 16. Check your email to sign up for this event.
The Christmas party will be December 11th, and will replace the Wednesday meeting. BBQ will be the meal, a band will entertain with music, and the beneficiary this year will be KSTAR.
The Blue Santa program is December 14, which provides gifts to local families in need.
The Main Event is scheduled for March 29 at Comanche Trace. This is our once a year main fundraiser. Stay tuned for more details.