Janelle Peralt reported that the Blood Drive was very successful, as 29 people donated blood last week. Thank you to all who volunteered.
Marta Diffen reported that our club and the local Interact Club participated in the District Days of Service by helping organize the Hill Country Crisis Council's storage room. They worked for four hours last Saturday and sorted, labeled and organized clothes to help this very worthwhile organization.
Marta also tested our Rotary knowledge by asking if anyone knew what a "Rotary Ann" was. In the not so distant past, Rotary was a men's only club, and the wives of members were often known as Rotary Ann's. After a Supreme Court Decision in 1987, women were finally allowed into the club. Our own Betty Vernon was the third woman who joined our club in 1991, so we've come a long way.
The Josh the Otter program on Water Safety for Elementary age kids is gearing up and volunteers are needed to go to the local elementary schools to help out. COntact Dave Rittenhouse if you are able to volunteer. dorittenhouse@gmail.com 412-302-7301 Cell
Bob Schmerbeck was recognized as being a Rotary member for 55 years, and has perfect attendance. Congratulations, and thank you for 55 years of service!