Posted by Donna Peterson on Mar 12, 2019

Satellite Meeting February 19th

Speaker: Mark McDaniel, Kerrville City Manger
There are a lot of big changes coming to our beautiful town of Kerrville and Mark McDaniel came to talk to us about the Kerrville 2050 Comprehensive Plan. He was able to cram a lot of information in a short amount of time but the changes will range from an updated Olympic Pool, housing, parks, public services and a new hotel and so much more. If you want to read the full plan it is offered online.
Club Business:
We are starting a new service project and will be teaming up with Christian Ministries CSI group to help fix up, clean, or improve properties of low income/elderly people in our community who are not able to do these things themselves. We are still looking for volunteers if anyone would like to participate. Please email Erin at