Volunteers are needed for the Josh the Otter program at the several local Elementary Schools. Dave Rittenhouse and Ashley Phillips are heading up the effort, so please contact them or sign up on our Club's website  
The annual Rotary Club picnic is scheduled for May 3 at 5:30 at the River Star Event Park. This will take the place of our regular noon meeting. Please RSVP using the email you receive from Rotary.
The Rotary District Conference is May 6 in San Antonio.
District Raffle Tickets are available from Kristi Shepherd.
Guadalupe River Trash Clean up is scheduled for July 22.
Help is needed to water the new Rotary Grove trees along the River Trail near the Trailhead Beer Garden . Contact Janelle Peralt (jperalt@icloud.com) to sign up for this easy volunteer opportunity.